About Me
Hello there!
I am Maggie Heart, a Deliverance minister that is ordained in spiritual warfare and an author that is internationally recognized for Deliverance in freeing others from demonic oppression and possession. I have 8 years experience clearing energy from land and homes, blessings and ghost investigations. Since I began this journey nearly 10 years ago, I was guided to create my own ministry. Due to my faith in Jesus Christ, I have also performed miracle healings and have helped many people who were in pain or sick become well.
I am also available for lectures, online workshops, ordainment, marriages, memorial services, baptisms and spiritual guidance. I am thankful to have been blessed with many gifts from God that allow me to help others in many capacities.
Due to the nature of my work, I make it a priority to work with veterans, the homeless, victims of abuse, troubled kids and teens, those suffering with mental illness and am an advocate for animals. And because I make it my mission to lift others up, I have created the Positude Podcast series which is available on this site for listening: The Positude Podcast, Positude PowWow, Positude Prophecy, Positude Passages and Tex N Me.
Currently, I am continuing my education to obtain my two year ministerial degree. I am also excited to announce that I will be taking classes online from the Israel Institute of Biblical Studies to learn the Hebrew language.
In my spare time I love to cook, make my own soaps, beauty products, bath salts, body scrubs and massage oils. I am also available to customize these products for favor packages for weddings, showers and private events. Contact me for catering and decorating as well. Please visit my store here on my site to view the awesome stuff that I have available!