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Writer's pictureMaggie Heart

Deliverance/Spiritual Warfare-frequently asked questions

Updated: May 5, 2018

People ask what to expect with a home and land blessing, clearing and Deliverance. Blessing and clearing a home and property not only cleanses the area/grounds, but adds extra protection in my opinion to add as a buffer for the people who live there. Blessing/praying over articles in the home such as antiques and items that can house demonic energy clears them. Many people don't realize the benefits of cleansing an article before bringing it into the home environment. Once inside, the energies can jump and spread, even to people. (If I don't feel as though the item can be cleared, it is necessary that it be burned. For example: cards/tools used in rituals or ouija boards should always be burned and in some cases certain household furniture, items, etc.) Most often people don't realize that something given to them as a gift from a person can even contain energy that was placed in it by the giver themselves as a way to wreak havoc for the beneficiary-it's a sneaky trick some witches will use to curse someone or to unleash demons upon them. These and other items-even old photographs can be portals, as well as the furniture and tools. I have even known of cases where religious statues, crosses and Catholic (saint) candles bought in markets by unsuspecting victims had demons placed in them before being sold by dubious storeowners. (If this is discovered, the item should not be thrown out, but burned.) People go on vacation and bring back cultural souvenirs from places like Hawaii and Mexico that may contain demonic entities. These should also be burned. I think that it is important to note here that we do use things like holy water and annointed oil to bless the items that are in the home such as antiques, but during Deliverance all we use and need is prayer-we bind, rebuke, cast out. We don't do fancy rituals or wear special outfits, lol-we do it as the Original one, Jesus did. So why bless and clear items with Holy Water and annointing oil? Jesus didn't turn his back on those who suffered. People saw the miracles that he performed and were convinced of his authenticity. He delivered, healed and converted. When people see the work that we do, myself and some helpers by the power of God, they are amazed and want to learn how they can also be cleared, sometimes physically healed of affirmities or freed from addictions and some mental disorders and how to stay free from future afflictions, whether spiritual or physical. Unfortunately, most churches don't teach this. My ministry has become a conversion ministry as a welcome sideline of the deliverances because people see that we are successful in our endeavors. The reason for this is because we work with and teach the fledglings new to spiritual warfare and in some cases truly to Christ's teachings about how we are ALL SUBJECT to demonic oppression but ESPECIALLY those new to the flock/spiritual warfare. We empathize the importance of staying the course. After a Deliverance if a person reopens the door the demons can come back sevenfold. The devil will work hard to sway and deter people from prayer and from following the right path. The last thing that he wants is to lose another soul. Fear, intimidation, doubt, clouding mind to the benefits of prayer are some tactics that he uses. Our prayers and blessings and praying with and over our clients (God's people) and their homes, our constant support and follow up and reinforcement over time assists them in building and maintaining their confidence and faith that is vital to their spiritual success. **A misconception is that rental properties and residents of rentals cannot be cleared/delivered due to previous demonic contracts with the property owners. I also get questions about self deliverance. People are sometimes under the assumption that if they watch or listen to a YouTube video or read a book they have the ability to self deliver. Deliverance can ONLY be done effectively by a person well experienced in Jesus' ministry. Listening to gospel music and biblical passages or audio deliverance or reading can make demons manifest OR quiet things down for a time. They are not effective for casting out (pre deliverance or as a substitute) although they can be useful tools to help maintain spiritual clarity/support post deliverance. Some deliverance ministers will play music or scripture in the background as they are doing a deliverance.

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